Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Week of Halloween...Part 3

It's finally here!! TRICK OR TREAT!!

My Halloween was a little bit of a reality check this year. If we didn't have Aidan, Dustin & I would have been going solo. We would have been those "old" people that sit at home and pass out candy while the other parents are off dragging their kid from neighborhood to neighborhood searching for the best candy. Sad...34 years old and no Halloween costumes or fun meals or treatsies to pass out to the kids? Thank goodness for our 3 1/2 year-old dose of kid-ness! Katarina went to a bonfire at a friend's house while Madisson trick-or-treat"ed" with her 8 girlie friends & one Mark Dad. (Thanks so much Mr. D for "volunteering" your Friday evening and being drug around downtown B-ville instead of chill-axing at home with the fam!)
Dustin made Mouse Meatloaves (I found the recipe, and therefore deserve ALL credit!) & ghost mashed potatoes for dinner

The plate looks a little empty, huh? No green veggies & no fruit? What's up with that?!

Katarina saved the evening--she ended up eating with us since her bonfire didn't start until 7. Madisson went to her friends house right after basketball practice, so I had to call them to tell them to stop by for a few quick pics! (Anyway, imagine Dustin, my mom and I sitting around eating mouse meatloaves & ghost mashed potatoes for dinner by ourselves...SAD!)

Kat is a Ceiling Fan!

Madisson and her friends dressed up in their pj's for a very strange sleep-over!

And, my all-time favorite Laundry Basket costume, is...............

These are really cute (if I do say so myself!!) and simple laundry basket costumes that the girls wore in 2005!

A pretty poinsettia! And a scrumptious cupcake!

If you've got any cute laundry basket costume ideas, send 'em my way!!

Happy Halloween & Happy November!


Holly said...

So, I was just noticing how completely unappetizing those little meatloaves look. Ugh! Good thing they tasted better than they look. (They didn't look so shiny & saucy in the recipe picture!)
BTW: Dustin took one bite of them and decided that he would enjoy a dinner of mashed potatoes minus meatloaf mouse.

Dustin D. Brown said...

"Good thing they tasted better than they look." Whatever! That meatloaf tasted just like it looked. Seriously, a tall glass of milk couldn't wash that taste out of my mouth. I woke up the next morning and I had still had that meatloaf taste in my mouth. Talk about morning meatloaf breath,yuck!

Holly said...

Oh, pah-lease!

Unknown said...

No, old is not even buying candy, turning out the lights, and going upstairs to use the computer until it's too late for little kids to come by, and going to bed at 10 pm.

And I had leftover pizza for dinner. Your mouse meatloaf and ghost mashed potatos didn't look so bad. Too bad peas don't count as a vegetable.

PS I really have a good time reading your blogs! Thanks for sharing.

Holly said...

You sound like my mom...what is it with you girls not liking Halloween candy? And, I'm pretty sure peas count as a vegetable, but only when there are more than 2!
I'm glad you enjoy reading about our crazy-silly lives!!

Lynn said...

Wow, your comment box is so entertaining, it might as well be a blog itself!! I'm lovin' it. Now go comment at mine, sister! P.S. We're heading up to Iowa tomorrow afternoon. Back Friday night. Email me if my house burns down.

Bonnie said...

1. We don't have Halloween here in India, thank the good Lord. When I lived in the good old US I always sat in the dark and clamped my hand over the dog's mouth whenever the doorbell rang.

2. Where do you get the ideas for all these costumes? Once I was a clown (with the rest of my family), once I was a princess, and the rest of the time I was a gypsy - wearing one of my mother's old square dancing skirts, most of her jewelry and some lipstick, rouge, and a "beauty mark". I thought I looked great. Now - 50 years later - sometimes I look in the mirror and the resemblance to my gypsy days is scarier than opening the door on Halloween.