Here are some of Madisson's many computer "drawings"

This one she did after Wall e Weekend

This one's my all time's from when we had our garage sale this summer!
This one's my all time's from when we had our garage sale this summer!
In this game you use your memory skills! You try to match the snack color with the turtle color.
Then we moved on to
In this game you try to match the halves with their filling shapes!
It's fun to stack them up!
We're obviously making our own rules at this point!
And last but not least: our favorite, play-it-every-day game
This one's your race to the finish line game, but the "dice" are bears with colored tummies!
Aidan's bear of choice for the day
Oh, and guess who won every game....
Next Stop: The Fabulous Columbia Public Library to return our finished reads. (Please excuse the lack of photos.)
Then on to Lunch at Bennigan's